TLG Web Design - Business, Art, Personal


TLG Websites
Terms & Conditions

First of all, please understand that it is the signed written contract that is the only document that matters.  Nothing may be assumed from anything that appears on this website.

In general, you may count on the following and should expect to abide by the following:

  1. Your website package includes a limited number of pages, determined by your specific requirements
  2. Your website includes a limited number of hours work, determined by your initial stated, contracted needs
  3. You are responsible for obtaining you domain name and hosting. We can assist, but if we perform this service for you, then you must pay costs up front prior to us completing the necessary actions.
  4. Your hosting service will provide you with a specified number of e-mail addresses. We will use e-mail addresses provided by your hosting service to create contact forms and contact information withn your website. 
  5. Your contract will specify a specific number of web pages, and a specific number of hours work. Your fee covers what is contracted, and nothing more. Change orders and new work cost extra, based on discussion and determination of requirements, estimated time involved, estimated complexity of the work.

That said, we at TLG Websites will do everything we can to create a website that will enhance your web presence. We want you to look good to the internet community.


TLG Website Design






Wanna Do It Yourself? We can help and advise you 

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Easy CGI - Reliable and Affordable Web Hosting - $  

 Go Daddy $1.99 Domains  

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We Support Those Who Have Given So Much For Us

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We Help You Montetize Your Site, If You Wish 

Boca Java 20% off Coupon

So you can make additional revenue

Apple Store

While your basic business grows

Download an eBook today

Or keep your site clean and ad free Electronic Kits and Toy Superstore

The choice is yours

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